Installing the NexentaStor vCenter Plugin

This section demonstrates how to perform an initial installation of the NexentaStor vCenter Plugin for Windows and Linux environments. You should have already verified that your system meets the necessary prerequisites.

Windows Environment

  1. Download the NexentaStor-nsvp-installer-HTML5-5.3.xxxx.msi file from the NexentaStor 5.x download site, and copy the file over to vCenter server
  2. Log in to the vCenter Windows Server, and run the Web Client Plugin installer file
  3. Complete the Windows Installation Wizard:
    • Verify the environment prerequisites
    • Read and accept the End User License Agreement (EULA)
    • Verify the destination installation folder
    • Enter the vCenter credentials
    • Click Install, then Finish
  4. After the NexentaStor vCenter Plugin is installed, re-log in to the vSphere Client
  5. Continue with Registering a NexentaStor Appliance

Linux Environment

To install the NexentaStor vCenter Plugin on Linux, do the following:

  1. Download the NexentaStor-nsvp-installer-HTML5-5.3.xxxx.tar file from the NexentaStor 5.x download site
  2. SSH into VCSA as root
  3. Enable BASH access:
    Command> shell.set --enabled True
  4. Run shell:
    Command> shell
  5. Create and change directory to upload the installation files:
    mkdir nsvp && cd nsvp/
  6. Copy downloaded NexentaStor-nsvp-installer-HTML5-5.3.xxxx.tar from remote host using scp, wget or curl:
    scp remote_host:NexentaStor-nsvp-installer-HTML5-5.3.xxxx.tar
  7. Extract the contents from the archive by typing the following command:
    tar -xvf NexentaStor-nsvp-installer-HTML5-5.3.xxxx.tar
  8. Optionally, run the help command to view the installation command:
    ./ -help
  9. Run the following command to install:
    ./ -action install -vcuser administrator@vsphere.local
  10. After the NexentaStor vCenter Plugin is installed, re-log in to the vSphere Client
  11. Continue with Registering a NexentaStor Appliance