Cinder Backup


This section describes how to configure the cinder-backup service and cinder NFS driver on top NexentaStor NFS share. Official documentation link: NFS backup driver. Example sections for cinder.conf:

For Rocky and previous releases

backup_driver = cinder.backup.drivers.nfs
backup_share =
backup_mount_options = vers=3,minorversion=0,noatime

For Stein and later releases

backup_driver = cinder.backup.drivers.nfs.NFSBackupDriver
backup_share =
backup_mount_options = vers=3,minorversion=0,timeo=100,nolock


  • - IP address or virtual IP address of NexentaStor appliance
  • /pool/nfs/backup - NFS share path
  • vers=3,minorversion=0,timeo=100,nolock - recommended NFS mount options

Steps for NexentaStor 4.x

nmc@host1:/$ create folder pool/nfs/backup
nmc@host1:/$ share folder pool/nfs/backup nfs
Auth Type            : none
Anonymous            : root
Read-Write           : @10/8,@192.168/16
Read-Only            :
Root                 :
Extra Options        :
Recursive            : true
Modifed NFS share for folder 'pool/nfs/backup'

Steps for NexentaStor 5.x

CLI@host> filesystem create -p pool/nfs/backup
CLI@host> nfs share -o sec=none,anon=root,rw=@10/8,@192.168/16 pool/nfs/backup