NexentaStor 5.x

Supported operations are (currently only NFS is supported)

  • Create share
  • Delete share
  • Extend share
  • Shrink share
  • Allow share access (Only IP access type is supported - RW/RO)
  • Deny share access
  • Create snapshot
  • Revert to snapshot
  • Delete snapshot
  • Create share from snapshot
  • Share creation options - Thin/thick provisioning, compression
  • Manage share
  • Unmanage share



  • NexentaStor 5.x Appliance pre-provisioned and licensed
  • Pool and parent filesystem configured (this filesystem will contain all manila shares)
  • Manila service provisioned

Download Driver

It’s recommended to get the latest driver from Nexenta’s repository:

The branches in the repository correspond with Openstack releases.

To following command can be used to download the exact version w/o having to switch branches

git clone -b stable/pike - this will download the exact version, no need to switch

Nexenta Drivers are located under the following path:

The path includes drivers for NexentaStor 4.x and NexentaStor 5.x Make sure to copy the whole folder.

Installation Steps

  1. Determine manila driver location path used in your environment
  2. Clone or download the correct version of the drivers, unzip if downloaded and copy to the cinder location. For example drivers for Pike release:
    $ git clone -b stable/pike nexenta-manila
    $ cp -rf nexenta-manila/manila/share/drivers/nexenta /usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/manila/share/drivers
  3. Configure manila.conf
  4. Restart Manila Service
    • Systemd based system: $ sudo systemctl restart openstack-manila-share.service
    • Upstart/SysV based system: $ sudo service manila-share restart

manila.conf driver section examples:


enabled_share_backends = ns5_nfs
enabled_share_protocols = NFS

share_backend_name = <backend name to be used in share_types>
driver_handles_share_servers = False
nexenta_folder = manila
share_driver = manila.share.drivers.nexenta.ns5.nexenta_nas.NexentaNasDriver
nexenta_rest_address =,  # Comma separated management IPs for host
nexenta_nas_host =  # pool VIP
nexenta_rest_port = 8443
nexenta_pool = pool1
nexenta_nfs = True
nexenta_user = admin
nexenta_password = secret_password
nexenta_thin_provisioning = True

List of all available options:

Parameter nameDefaultChoices or TypeDescription
nexenta_rest_addressip address or hostnameManagement address for NexentaStor Rest operations.
nexenta_nas_hostip address or hostnameVIP of NexentaStor pool.
nexenta_rest_port8457integerPort to connect to Nexenta REST API server.
nexenta_retry_count6integerNumber of retries for unsuccessful API calls.
nexenta_use_httpsTruebooleanUse HTTP secure protocol for NexentaStor management REST API connections.
nexenta_useradminstringUser name to connect to Nexenta SA.
nexenta_passwordstringPassword to connect to Nexenta SA.
nexenta_volumevolume1stringVolume name on NexentaStor4
nexenta_poolpool1stringPool name on NexentaStor5.
nexenta_folderfolderstringParent folder on NexentaStor.
nexenta_nfsTruebooleanDefines whether share over NFS is enabled.
nexenta_ssl_cert_verifyFalsebooleanDefines whether the driver should check ssl certificate.
nexenta_rest_connect_timeout30integerSpecifies the time limit (in seconds), within which the connection to NexentaStor management REST API server must be established
nexenta_rest_read_timeout300integerSpecifies the time limit (in seconds), within which NexentaStor management REST API server must send a response
nexenta_rest_backoff_factor1integerSpecifies the backoff factor to apply between connection attempts to NexentaStor management REST API server
nexenta_rest_retry_count5integerSpecifies the number of times to repeat NexentaStor management REST API call in case of connection errors and NexentaStor appliance EBUSY or ENOENT errors
nexenta_share_name_templateshare-stringShare name template that will be followed with share_id. It will be seen on NexentaStor side as share-51daca66-a713-41a8-91cd-7270429a166a.
nexenta_dataset_compressionon[on, off, gzip, gzip-1, gzip-2, gzip-3, gzip-4, gzip-5, gzip-6, gzip-7, gzip-8,gzip-9, lzjb, zle, lz4]Compression value for new ZFS folders.
nexenta_thin_provisioningTruebooleanIf True shares will not be space guaranteed and overprovisioning will be enabled.’
nexenta_dataset_record_size131072integerSpecifies a suggested block size in for files in a file system. (bytes)
nexenta_anonstringEffective user name for unknown users, -1 disables anonymous access to the share, root allows full access.

Using Manila Driver

Create share type

manila type-create my_type1 false

Configure share type

manila type-key my_type1 set share_backend_name=ns_nfs dataset_compression=on thin_provisioning=true snapshot_support=true create_share_from_snapshot_support=true

we have configured our share type to use ns_nfs backend with compression, thin provisioning and full snapshot support.

Create share (thick/thin/compression)

manila create --share_type my_type1 --name my_share1 nfs 10

we have created a share of share type “my_type1” named my_share1 shared via NFS with 10 GB size.

Setup permissions

manila access-allow --access-level ro my_share1 ip

note that default access level is rw.

Create snapshot

manila snapshot-create my_share1

Create share from snapshot

manila create --share_type my_type1 --snapshot dc9437db-83ae-4443-aecd-6840845482e7 --name my_share_from_snapshot-1 nfs 20