Troubleshooting and Support Request


Check Openstack log files for error messages. Most of the errors related to storage are in Cinder or Nova logs.

Location of Openstack log files for Upstart and SysV based distros:

ProjectDirectoryLog Files
Cinder API/var/log/cindercinder-api.log or api.log
Cinder Backup/var/log/cindercinder-backup.log or backup.log
Cinder Manage/var/log/cindercinder-manage.log or manage.log
Cinder Scheduler/var/log/cindercinder-scheduler.log or scheduler.log
Cinder Volume/var/log/cindercinder-volume.log or volume.log
Manila API/var/log/manilamanila-api.log or api.log
Manila Manage/var/log/manilamanila-manage.log or manage.log
Manila Scheduler/var/log/manilamanila-scheduler.log or scheduler.log
Manila Share/var/log/manilamanila-share.log or share.log
Manila Data/var/log/manilamanila-data.log or data.log
Nova Compute/var/log/novanova-compute.log

Shell command to check errors:

$ grep -r Traceback /var/log/{cinder,manila,nova}/*.log

Location of Openstack log files for systemd based distros:

ProjectService name (CentOS/Fedora/SUSE/RedHat)Service name (Debian/Ubuntu)
Cinder APIopenstack-cinder-api or cinder-apicinder-api
Cinder Backupopenstack-cinder-backup or cinder-backupcinder-backup
Cinder Manageopenstack-cinder-manage or cinder-managecinder-manage
Cinder Scheduleropenstack-cinder-scheduler or cinder-schedulercinder-scheduler
Cinder Volumeopenstack-cinder-volume or cinder-volumecinder-volume
Manila APIopenstack-manila-api or manila-apimanila-api
Manila Manageopenstack-manila-manage or manila-managemanila-manage
Manila Scheduleropenstack-manila-scheduler or manila-schedulermanila-scheduler
Manila Shareopenstack-manila-share or manila-sharemanila-share
Manila Dataopenstack-manila-data or manila-datamanila-data
Nova Computeopenstack-nova-compute or nova-computenova-compute

Shell command to check error:

$ journalctl -a -u service_name | grep Traceback

Note: the most effective way to find Python tracebacks from text is the tbgrep command-line tool:

$ sudo pip install tbgrep
$ tbgrep /var/log/{cinder,manila,nova}/*.log
$ journalctl -a -u service_name | tbgrep

If the error is not self explanatory, enable the debug logging, restart the service and try to reproduce the error. Debug loggings will trace all calls to Nexenta, which allows to narrow down the possible cause of the error.

To enable debug in cinder, add the following line to cinder.conf:

debug = True

To enable debug in manila, add the following line to manila.conf:

debug = True

And restart cinder volume or manila share service.

Upstart and SysV based distros: sudo service cinder-volume restart or sudo service manila-share restart

Systemd based distros: sudo systemctl restart cinder-volume or sudo systemctl restart openstack-cinder-volume, sudo systemctl restart manila-share or sudo systemctl restart openstack-manila-share

Support Request

When creating a support request please provide the following information:

  • NexentaStor version

  • Support bundle collected from NexentaStor

  • OpenStack version (e.g. Icehouse, Juno, Kilo, Liberty, Mitaka, Newton, Ocata, Pike, Queens, Rocky, Stein, Train, Ussuri, Victoria, Wallaby, Xena, Yoga or Zed)

  • Cinder or Manila driver version: go to appropriate driver location and copy-paste comments from the top of file:

    Nexenta VersionBackend TypeDriver Location
    NexentaStor4Cinder NFS/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/cinder/volume/drivers/nexenta/
    NexentaStor4Cinder iSCSI/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/cinder/volume/drivers/nexenta/
    NexentaStor4Manila NFS/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/manila/share/drivers/nexenta/ns4/
    NexentaStor5Cinder NFS/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/cinder/volume/drivers/nexenta/ns5/
    NexentaStor5Cinder iSCSI/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/cinder/volume/drivers/nexenta/ns5/
    NexentaStor5Manila NFS/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/manila/share/drivers/nexenta/ns5/
  • Openstack service type (e.g. Cinder, Glance, Manila or Swift)

  • Collect OS version (e.g. Ubuntu 14.04, RHEL 7.0.x, CentOS 7.0.x) and OS specific information:

    • cat cat /etc/lsb-release
    • uname -a
    • dpkg -l or rpm -qa
  • Collect copy of Cinder or Manila drivers folder

    • /usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/cinder/volume/drivers/nexenta
    • /usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/manila/share/drivers/nexenta
  • Collect Cinder or Manila configuration file:

    • /etc/cinder/cinder.conf (default path)
    • /etc/manila/manila.conf (default path)
  • Collect Nova, Cinder or Manila log files:

    • For Upstart and SysV based distros: /var/log/nova, /var/log/cinder or /var/log/manila
    • For Debian/Ubuntu and systemd:
      for log in cinder-api cinder-backup cinder-manage cinder-scheduler cinder-volume \
          manila-api manila-manage manila-scheduler manila-share manila-data nova-compute; do 
          journalctl -a -u $log > $log.txt
    • For CentOS/Fedora/SUSE/RedHat and systemd:
      for log in openstack-cinder-api openstack-cinder-backup openstack-cinder-manage \
          openstack-cinder-scheduler openstack-cinder-volume openstack-manila-api \
          openstack-manila-manage openstack-manila-scheduler openstack-manila-share \
          openstack-manila-data openstack-nova-compute; do
          journalctl -a -u $log > $log.txt
  • Collect log files and commands output from Nova Compute node(s):

    • dmesg command output (possible system errors)
    • mount command output (list of mounted filesystems)
    • iscsiadm -m node -P1 command output (list of iSCSI targets)
    • iscsiadm -m session -P3 command output (list of active iSCSI sessions and connections)
    • iscsid service log file (depend on host OS and log settings: /var/log/messages file or journalctl | grep iscsid command output)
  • Steps to reproduce the issue, VM’s and volumes names, time frames, any custom scripts that customer ran, etc