NexentaStor5 VSA for OpenStack
Instruction to deploy a NexentaStor5 VSA from an existing image
stack$ openstack image create --public --disk-format qcow2 --min-disk 32 --file NexentaStor-5.1.2-FP1.qcow2 NexentaStor-5.1.2-FP1
stack$ openstack image list
| ID | Name | Status |
| 47b46d65-4a2a-4c44-830b-daf73f39f43b | NexentaStor-5.1.2-FP1 | active |
| e82ebf28-ba5d-435a-b2b9-8bd4323d986d | cirros-0.4.0-x86_64-disk | active |
- Create a new bootable volume from the existing image. Please note: volume size must be >= 32GB (due to the existing image properties)
stack$ openstack volume create --size 32 --image NexentaStor-5.1.2-FP1 Boot-Volume
stack$ openstack volume list
| ID | Name | Status | Size | Attached to |
| 399ab5d9-d273-4508-a0be-9f3c2593af5a | Boot-Volume | available | 32 | |
stack$ openstack volume create --size 128 Data-Volume
stack$ openstack volume list
| ID | Name | Status | Size | Attached to |
| d9f52fba-59a7-4b93-b434-e21388a8c67b | Data-Volume | available | 128 | |
| 399ab5d9-d273-4508-a0be-9f3c2593af5a | Boot-Volume | available | 32 | |
- Create a new Openstack flavor. Please note: a minimum of 2 vCPU and 8GB RAM is required, 4 vCPU and 16GB is recommended
stack$ openstack flavor create --ram 16384 --vcpus 4 NexentaStor5
stack$ openstack flavor list
| ID | Name | RAM | Disk | Ephemeral | VCPUs | Is Public |
| ee5 | NexentaStor5 | 16384 | 0 | 0 | 4 | True |
- Boot a new NexentaStor5 instance from the existing boot volume and attach the data volume
stack$ openstack server create --flavor NexentaStor5 --volume Boot-Volume --block-device-mapping vdb=Data-Volume NexentaStor-5.1.2-FP1
stack$ openstack server list
| ID | Name | Status | Networks | Image | Flavor |
| 92012dfe-f3d4-46ea-a838-9901a1098830 | NexentaStor-5.1.2-FP1 | ACTIVE | public= | | NexentaStor5 |
- Open ssh connection to the NexentaStor5 VSA instance. Note: default user name is admin, default password is Nexenta@1
stack$ openstack server ssh --login admin NexentaStor-5.1.2-FP1
CLI@nexenta> license activate XXX-XXX-XXX-XXX-XXX
- Create a new data pool using a data volume
CLI@nexenta> disk list
0 c4t0d0 - 34.36GB ssd no ONLINE LEGACY_NVME:0 rpool (active)
1 c1t0d0 - 137.44GB ssd no ONLINE LEGACY_NVME:1 -
CLI@nexenta> pool create tank c1t0d0
- Create and share a new NFS filesystem
CLI@nexenta> filesystem create -p -o nbmand=off tank/data
CLI@nexenta> nfs share -o anon=root tank/data